Friday, March 21, 2008

Are you ready?

This is a break from our normal posts about Abram, but we wanted to share with you a video that was passed on to us. It asks a simple question...are you ready? If you're not, then please take care of that TODAY! If you are, then may you be reminded, as we were, that this world is not our home and that "our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ..." (Phil. 3:20) May you be encouraged today in the knowledge of the love of Jesus Christ. We love each of you and are thankful for you. (Side note - scroll to the bottom and hit the pause button on the radio, and then scroll back to the top for the video)


Michael and Crissie said...

Shea, he is so big and adorable! They grow up too fast. Send me an email and I will add you to our blog.


The Correspondent said...

Daniel and/or Shea: I tagged you for the six word memoir, if you want to play (no pressure).

Check out the challenge at our blog ...