Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easter Pictures

We had a great Easter weekend at our home this year. We have an amazing God who in His sovereignty, loved us so much that he sacrificed His own SON...just so that we can be made blameless. Jesus's death on the cross and power over death fully satisfied God-we are free!

Enjoy our pictures!
Some of our beautiful spring flowers

The glare must have been a little much for Sadie!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Noteworthy First

We've had a lot of "firsts" lately with Miss Sadie. She is crawling, waving bye-bye, pulling up to standing on EVERYTHING, even cruising along tables, toys, and her brother. She's eating all kinds of things...and cries everytime a meal is over. My life is busy and I don't get to post about all her firsts, but I had to show you all these pictures of Sadie's first pigtails!
I love this little girl and it is very fun to do silly things like this!